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tracking down RT error.. help?

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  • tracking down RT error.. help?

    ok so ive got an error when i try to render my scene in RT.. it says that i have a multisub which is too big (more than 999 ids)

    however ive looked thru the (very very long) material list, and i didnt seem to have any super enormous multisubs...

    any scripted way to locate the problem?

    fwiw, it migt be handy if vray could be a bit more helpful when there are errors.. an option to highlight /select problem materials or geometry on error would probably save a lot of faffing around.

  • #2
    ok i read it more carefully.. problem is an ID which is too big.. (999) when the max that RT can handle is 255.

    why is RT limited to 255 when max can handle 999? seems an arbitrary limitation.

    so refined question would be.. how do i find a sub material/piece of geometry which has a specific ID on it?


    • #3

      This was a technical limitation of V-Ray GPU - the total number of materials in the MultiSub as well as each value of the IDs in the MultiSub material should not exceed 255.
      There is already some work done to remove the limitation and it will probably be ready for a future V-Ray version.

      As for finding the problem material - the log should mention the name of the problem material ?

      Best regards,
      Yavor Rubenov
      V-Ray for 3ds Max developer

