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VrayClipper Bug

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  • VrayClipper Bug

    The VrayClipper only uses material ID 1 when clipping through a multi sub object material, instead of using all the ID's that make up the object so when it's sliced you only see material ID 1 on the capped faces which is not what it should be. Can this be fixed?


  • #2

    This is by design. For such cases the clipper has an option to override the material ID with an ID you specify.

    Best regards,
    Yavor Rubenov
    V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


    • #3
      Thanks Yavor for getting back to me, the problem is that If I set an ID it still uses 1 ID whether it be ID 1,2,3 etc.. I need it to slice and show all the ID's it's cutting through else it just looks weird.

      For example, if I have mobile phone model which is collapsed into a single mesh and I have all the material ID's applied to it, I don't want o choose an ID because if I do it will show one material on the capped faces, whereas in reality, you would see multiple materials, such as glass, plastic and metal etc.



      • #4
        I understand the issue you have with a model collapsed into a single mesh.

        Unfortunately the clipper itself is a render time effect and it works on the rays traced by V-Ray not on the geometry itself. Rays can come from any direction so the clipper can't determine which face it is clipping - it can only determine if it is inside an object and which object.

        To get different materials on the different parts - they need to be different scene objects - then the clipper can use their materials.
        Yavor Rubenov
        V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


        • #5
          Okay, that's a bit unfortunate, but makes sense.


