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Vray 3.6 Lens Flare Issues

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  • Vray 3.6 Lens Flare Issues

    I?m having issues regarding the lens flare effect.
    When i turn the icon button on to aplly the lens effect on the scene, doesn?t seem to work at all or the scene becomes to blurry.
    I?ve followed and read the help documents, but that doesn?t seem to work at all.
    When i open a scene and turn on the lens effect nothing happens, but if i open a new session in max and just insert a light with lens effect, and turn on it works fine.

    Does anyone have a similar problem? Is there any solution for this?

    I?ve been searching the forum but i didn?t seen anything... =(

    Thanks in advanced

  • #2
    Can you attach a screenshot with your Lens effects settings and the output that you get? Or a simple scene with that issue?
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3


      • #4
        narayan i could be wrong but i always thought you should be keeping the size parameter below the weight to stop the blur. I usually get good results having weight on 15 and size 10 or that sort of balance between them both


        • #5
          you need to mask the glare intensity; try 0.8


          • #6
            I tried to follow your sugestions, but nothing happens. Is this a bug from vray? should i have to reinstall again vray?


            • #7
              Can you attach a stripped version of the scene with only the lights and the hall itself?
              Zdravko Keremidchiev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                Originally posted by Zdravko.Keremidchiev View Post
                Can you attach a stripped version of the scene with only the lights and the hall itself?
                A render region?


                • #9
                  No, I meant deleting the other geometry and leave the lights and the walls of the building. Then send us this stripped scene so we could investigate what is happening.
                  Zdravko Keremidchiev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Zdravko.Keremidchiev View Post
                    No, I meant deleting the other geometry and leave the lights and the walls of the building. Then send us this stripped scene so we could investigate what is happening.
                    Can you sent me the correct contact email, on which i can sent this file?


                    • #11
                      You can send it to Please make sure to mention this thread in your e-mail.
                      Zdravko Keremidchiev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the scene.
                        Clamp Output is enabled with a value of 1, what that does is to remove the bright pixels from the image which are supposed to generate the Glare effects.
                        Without discrepancies in pixel values V-Ray doesn't know where the light sources are and it just blurs the whole image.

                        In order to get the effect you are after either disable Clamp Output or increase its values to something like 5 for example, this would give enough space for the Glare to work with.
                        When image is re-rendered play with the Intensity Mask to determine the minimum Intensity which should emit Glare effect and set the desired Weight and Size values.

                        I'll send a few screenshots via email to demonstrate visually what I mean with the above tips.

                        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by svetlozar.draganov View Post
                          Thanks for the scene.
                          Clamp Output is enabled with a value of 1, what that does is to remove the bright pixels from the image which are supposed to generate the Glare effects.
                          Without discrepancies in pixel values V-Ray doesn't know where the light sources are and it just blurs the whole image.

                          In order to get the effect you are after either disable Clamp Output or increase its values to something like 5 for example, this would give enough space for the Glare to work with.
                          When image is re-rendered play with the Intensity Mask to determine the minimum Intensity which should emit Glare effect and set the desired Weight and Size values.

                          I'll send a few screenshots via email to demonstrate visually what I mean with the above tips.
                          Thank you for the help and tips, they were very usefull! =D
                          I?ll run some tests on diferent scenes.
                          I wasn?t aware that the clamp output would affect the glare effects.
                          Thanks again

