I'm getting some strange things happening for me whilst using RT ActiveShade and CrossSection and Surface Modifier......
Created an object using Circle Splines, just added a CrossSection Modifer and when you apply a Surface Modifier, nothing shows up in RT......
Trying then to Copy that object (Shift + Move) and you see the second, newly created copy of the object, but not the first.......
Seems like it's the *first* original object which is invisible ?
Please can you confirm ??
3DS Max 2017 (and rest as is in my Signature).
(I'll post the animateed gif when I can figure out how
Created an object using Circle Splines, just added a CrossSection Modifer and when you apply a Surface Modifier, nothing shows up in RT......
Trying then to Copy that object (Shift + Move) and you see the second, newly created copy of the object, but not the first.......
Seems like it's the *first* original object which is invisible ?
Please can you confirm ??
3DS Max 2017 (and rest as is in my Signature).
(I'll post the animateed gif when I can figure out how
