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VRayIES light Broken in 3.60.03?

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  • VRayIES light Broken in 3.60.03?

    The studio I work for upgraded our workstations and farm to 3.60.03 today. We use IES lights in our architectural interior renderings. I tested some stills and animations with the new set up and have been getting very bad results with anything using VRayIES lights. Shadows cast by the IES lights are razor sharp and do not change based on the distance of the object from the light source.

    We were previously using v-ray 3.40.02 with the exact same IES files without issue. Has something changed about the way v-ray handles IES lights? Has anyone else had this issue?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as we have several deadlines at the end of the week!

    Thank you!

  • #2
    I have done a test, it works here.
    Kind regards


    • #3
      It would be best to post a scene that has this problem. Check if you have the options for overriding the IES shape enabled in the IES light.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Thank you for the fast response!

        This is occurring in some very large projects, but I have been able to reproduce the error in a small test scene with default render settings. I have uploaded the archive.

        The shape override is in fact off and overriding to a circle or sphere does make the light behave correctly. We pushed out a max script that overrides all class instances of VRayIES as a workaround last night.

        The strange thing is that the shape override was not necessary in 3.4. Did something change that makes this a mandatory setting in 3.6?

        Again, thank you for your help. Customer support for this software is excellent!
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Also be aware I had an issue of reflections of IES lights rendering very noisily with `adaptive` on, I believe it was logged. Maybe it`s the same adaptive rendering issue ?

