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Override Material by Include broken

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  • Override Material by Include broken

    When you set the override material in global switches to Include, it no longer works properly if you have just the group name selected, or some objects within a group selected. You have to have all of the objects in the group, and the group head in the list for it to work when set to Include. If I don't want every object within that group to get the material override, I have to now separate it from that group, or redo it all using exclude (in a scene with 1,000's of objects with an engineer's part naming convention, this is not going to be fun). It used to work, as I'm working in a scene I did 2 1/2 years ago that was setup to include some objects within a group without the group object itself selected.

    It does works properly for Exclude. I can select the group name, and it'll render everything but the objects within that group with the material. Or I can select just one object in that group to exclude it. But it does freak out if I don't have all of the objects selected within the group, AND the group head selected.

    Edit: words are hard
    Last edited by Badbullet; 31-10-2017, 11:24 AM.

  • #2
    Ok, will try to reproduce this here.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

