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Stereo Cube 6x1 bleeding

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  • Stereo Cube 6x1 bleeding

    Not sure if anyone else is having this issue. When we render out VR images using the stereoscopic helper and camera set to Cube 6x1, we are getting bleeding across regions of the cubemap. For the most part it isn't noticeable, but when you have something bright in one square next to something dark in another square, it filters and blends one pixel on each side, but more so the bright areas into darker areas. So when you view it in VR, you see a lighter line in the view where this seam is. In the attached you can see where a bright spot next to a window is causing a lighter line in the grass. It is even more drastic in a city scene. Still happens with filter turned off, and only seems to go away if you turn off Max subdivs, but of course that leads to one noisy render.

    Any solutions someone might have for this?

  • #2
    are you rendering to 9216 x 1536?
    if it's still happening with filter off I would assume it's because the horizontal resolution isnt divisible by 6 so you dont get a clean break.


    • #3
      The horizontal resolution must be divisible by 6, but also make sure the AA filter is turned off.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Render is set to 9216x1536. I'll try again with the image filter off, I'm assuming this is what you meant by AA filter? I know I had enable filtering off for the render elements, and instead of a straight line, it was jagged. I'll test and report back.


        • #5
          Turning the filter off worked this time. Not sure what I did wrong before. It appears denoiser still works though without bleeding across seams, so I don't have to worry about massive render times to clean up the image. So this was user error. All the past renders I did for VR were dark interiors and just happened to have all the seams match up well so it was never noticed.

          Thanks for the input guys.


          • #6
            turning off the AA filter definitely fixes the border issue.
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