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Animation Permission Denied

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  • Animation Permission Denied

    I'm not sure if this is a Vray issue or 3dsmax. When rendering out an image sequence over a network farm the files are being saved out with the standard sequencing (Filename0001,Filename002, Filename003, etc.) but also the original filename used under the Render Output (Filename) is also being saved out for every frame. This file is then just being overwritten every time a new render is finished. This becomes a problem when two render nodes finish a render at the same time and both are trying to save the same (Filename) in the destination folder. Which then leads to a permission denied error and at least one node errors out. I can't seem to find the option to save out only the Filename sequence and not the redundant original Filename. Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi, try adding an underline "_" at the end of your common output filename. When rendering distributed, sometimes it doesn't know that's rendering a seqeuence, as the node is getting just 1 frame, adding an underline usually helps 3ds max naming the files. In your case instead of "Filename" , make it "Filename_".
    Let me know if this worked for you.



    • #3
      Hi cgifarm. Thanks for the tip, but it seems the problem was a Vray one. I've downgraded from 36004 to the stable 35004 for 3dsmax 2018 and the problem has been resolved. I'm rendering an animated sequence as .exr with the most current 3dsmax 2018 on a win7 Pro workstation over a network farm with 2 GPU nodes which have the same setup.

      Maybe this should be logged as a Vray BUG?

      I'll have to admit, the recent Vray 3.6+ updates have a been a disaster for our RT GPU projects.

