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GPU Brute Force + Light Cache bright spots at 0.001 Noise Threshold

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  • GPU Brute Force + Light Cache bright spots at 0.001 Noise Threshold


    Searched the forum a bit for answers but there wasn't too much about rendering with Brute Force + Light Cache with Vray GPU.

    I was having a bit of a problem with dark spots first for an interior scene so I disabled the Max Ray intensity and got rid of very dark spots in deep corners that didn't look good. Vray Denoiser couldn't fix these dark spots at default or mild settings. But without the Max Ray Intensity I got bright fireflies instead which looks like the image below when denoised. What could I change in my settings or is it something wrong with a material I have made that casts this bright spots. I guess that I have to check all my materials because Max Ray Intesity is causing the dark spots.

    Any tips what I'am doing wrong?

    Noise threshold is 0.001 and other then those bright spots I find the result look good with Denoiser at mild settings.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    It's a hunch, but you may have made the lights overbright (compared to the physical scale) to compensate for the max ray intensity cutting them off.
    Try verifying the lights aren't emitting, in fact, lasers (F.e.: that all are in the 500 to 5000 Lumens range)...
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.

