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vray frame buffer not showing progress

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  • #16
    Sorry, I don't have a clue what could help you aida . Have you perhaps tried any of the solutions from the thread I linked to below?


    • #17
      delete the 3ds Max settings from "%localappdata%\Autodesk\3dsMax\2018 - 64bit". - this solution worked for me. Thank you!


      • #18
        O man - this blows everything was ok here, despite having had this problem in the past - and as of yesterday suddenly the Vray VFB is broken again. deleting the ENU folder is horrible - i just did that few days ago to try & fix some other problems with Max........sigh.
        Win10.Ryzen1950X. 80GbRam. RTX3080.RTX2070.Sketchup 22.0.354.VRaySketchUp.6001. - NvidiaStudioDriver 527.37


        • #19
          Yesterday the same problem appeared. But I can tell you, that there was a Windows update on friday from version 1709 build 16299.431 to version 1803 build 17134.48 and this is ruined my VFB. Don't know what to do now. Windows 10 Pro edition.


          • #20
            I've found a fix, but don't know exactly what fixed it, because I made a lot of things at once.

            1) I've set the environment variable QT_OPENGL to "angle", you can read how to do this in Vlado's post here:
            2) Then deleted most of mentions about "autodesk" and "3dsmax" from the system folders:
            2a - uninstalled all autodesk software with autodesk uninstall tool;
            2b - manually deleted all autodesk folders from C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86);
            2c - manually deleted all autodesk folders from C:\ProgramData;
            2d - manually deleted all autodesk folders from %userprofile%\appdata\Local and %userprofile%\appdata\Roaming;
            3) deleted most of mentions about "autodesk" and "3dsmax" from the system registry, but be careful and don't delete somewhat useful.
            4) installed 3ds max 2018 with web install option. Updated it to 2018.4 version.

            Before all of this I've uninstalled all plugins and chaosgroup software and installed them after.

            So, it looks like total destroy of everything, but it works, though.


            • #21
              Originally posted by vlado View Post
              No immediately, there may be so many things tied to the user account, not only 3ds Max settings, but Windows stuff as well. If you are inclined to experiment, maybe see what happens if you delete the 3ds Max settings from "%localappdata%\Autodesk\3dsMax\2018 - 64bit".

              Best regards,

              This worked for me.


              • #22
                Ok, the thread is 1,5 years old, but the problem is the same for me. My experience is, that it canĀ“t, in my opinien, be caused by settings outside the max-file. I have some scenes where all works fine and others, where I have the same problem as described above. Who has the time to uninstall and reinstall the software when stucking in a project? So I opened two sessions of MAX side by side , one with a scene with working VFB and one with a scene with the error. Then I compared step by step all the settings in the render setup window. Yes, ALL the settings. All pull down menus in expert mode if available. No succes- even if all settings are the same for both scenes. The same I did with the environment window and I tried if with sunlight or domelight and with differen types of cameras. Only one time I thought I found a fix. After I hit "Rendering-->Rendered frame Window" it stops showing the progress in the VFB, which worked fine. But only one time. I have also the same experience, that the "Rendered Frame Window" of MAX is always working fine, even when the not working VFB is open beside it. Sometimes I had the experience, that a new scene works fin and after some time of working with it teh error occurs. I will search a little more, but I someone have a solution which is not published here - please do it now!
                Workstation: Ryzen 9 5950x @ 4,20GHz 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P5000, Win10 Prof.<br>Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2990wx 64 GB RAM, Win 10 Prof. MAX 2025.2, VRay 6.2, ForestPack, RailClone, RichDirt, KStudio ProjectManager....

