Vray RT only renders a single frame of my sequence before crashing out ( 3dsMax is fine only vray fails )
both CUDA and CPU renders fail in the same way. Vray adv renders the sequence without issue.
I'm running the latest version of 3dsmax2018 with the latest version of vray using an nvidia 1080 under windows 10.
I did a clean install of everything a couple of weeks ago when win 10 died and I had to rebuild everything from scratch.
The vray log reveals little just an 'exception error'.
In general I don't have much with Vray RT , any suggestions on how I diagnose and fix the problem ?
both CUDA and CPU renders fail in the same way. Vray adv renders the sequence without issue.
I'm running the latest version of 3dsmax2018 with the latest version of vray using an nvidia 1080 under windows 10.
I did a clean install of everything a couple of weeks ago when win 10 died and I had to rebuild everything from scratch.
The vray log reveals little just an 'exception error'.
In general I don't have much with Vray RT , any suggestions on how I diagnose and fix the problem ?