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Share render status with team

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  • Share render status with team

    In a studio environment where artists share a renderfarm for distributed rendering, it would be nice to have the ability to share renderfarm status, or DR rendering progress with a network team so they can see the status of when machines are being used for DR. A step further would be a queue for DR submissions.

    Our artists have asked for something like this for a while, but would be a great feature!
    Ramy Hanna


  • #2
    I think deadline does this?


    • #3
      simplest solution (not the best solution) would be to set this up with backburner. Set DR to use ALL slaves, except 1 (for example pc12). Then use backburner to submnit the DR jobs, but set it to use only pc12.
      PC12 in turn will load the scene and render (and dr will kick in).

      That way you can see a que in BB monitor and you can see how many jobs pc12 still has waiting
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        If the other solutions dont sound appealing, this can be scripted - we used to use one that someone here wrote themselves. we don't use it now and it's long since lost - but the general idea of it was that you'd open the dialog and it would pop up all available DR nodes, select the ones you want to use from there and submit the render. the script writes a little file to the network that tracks which nodes each BB job is using and can mark in the dialog box when they are in use or have been freed up.
        I have no idea where it even is, it's not on the server in the miami studio, but I do remember it wasn't a long script. might be someone could write it for you and implement more features.

