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Vray Light plane / disc decay range

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  • Vray Light plane / disc decay range


    i think a feature that would really help users a lot would be a decay range option in vray light planes or discs for that in many usual cases we would need the light to only travel for maybe two meters only with powerful visible intensity and then decay into nothing before reaching maybe geometries at 4 meters for example

    right now there is no way to do that effect

    just imagine the use of this with situations including vray fog for example or may be an up-light along a building facade where we need light on certain floors with certain intensity not to reach the top because light is powerful to be seen

    i know maybe its not physically correct because light travels with inverse square law but we are artists after all so an option for that would help us big big time

  • #2
    It's been requested before, so we'll think about it.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Any news on this ?


      • #4
        Why would Chaos do this? You only asked 5 years ago. I mean C4D, Blender, you uncle, everybody else in the world has easy realtime volumetric lighting with decay. Why would you need it? Are you special? Just use standard lights, oh wait a minute they don't have glow for glare. Well then use Vray lights, oh wait they don't have decay or projection maps in GPU render mode. So use photometric, oh sorry they don't have shape for glare either. But blender a free program has glow, decay and realtime rendering engine. So does Chaos, it's called Vantage! Oh wait Vantage doesn't support volume fog. But Eeve does and it's free. Well who do you think you are?!?!?! Chaos is the best software in the world.... if you have unlimited budget for render farms and willingness to wait decades for tech that's available today or free now. What are you complaining about? Just be happy they'll respond at all, three days later from Bulgaria like you owe them something slave!!!!!

