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PluginNodeMTL & PluginNodeTex documentation.

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  • PluginNodeMTL & PluginNodeTex documentation.

    There is nothing except the blog post. I believe you can copy paste much of it from the docs for the other apps.
    Please at least create some basic usage examples. Some of them seem to not work at all /missing part of the inputs. (BRDFBump / BRDFLayered f.e)
    Last edited by Ihno; 15-02-2019, 04:21 AM.
    German guy, sorry for my English.

  • #2
    I found some in the form of cmd line help, which SUCK big time. The official help actually says to use the cmd line to show the help parameters. Why not just add proper help in the documentation instead of this cmdline nonsense?
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Yes after fiddling 10 mins with the cmd. It gave me:

      Parameters for plugin 'BRDFBump'
        base_brdf: plugin, Base BRDF
        bump_tex_color: acolor texture, Bump texture
        bump_tex_float: float texture, Bump texture
        bump_tex_mult: float = 1, Bump amount
        bump_tex_mult_tex: float texture, Bump amount texture
        bump_tex: plugin, Bump texture; this is deprecated, use bump_tex_color or bump
        bump_shadows: bool = false, true to offset the surface shading point, in addit
      ion to the normal
        map_type: integer = 0, The type of the map (0 - from regular texture output, 1
       - normal map in tangent space, 2 - normal map in object space, 3 - normal map i
      n camera space, 4 - normal map in world space, 5 - from texture bump output, 6 -
       explicit normal)
        normal_uvwgen: plugin, The uvw generator for the normal map texture when map_t
      ype is 1.
        maya_compatible: bool = false, When this is true the BRDFBump will try to matc
      h the Maya bump/normal mapping
        compute_bump_for_shadows: bool = true, true to compute bump mapping for shadow
       rays in case the material is transparent; false to skip the bump map for shadow
       rays (faster rendering)
        bump_delta_scale: float = 1, Scale for sampling the bitmap when map_type is 0.
       Normally this is tied to the ray differentials, but can be changed if necessary
        normal_map_mult: float = 1, Multiplier applied to the normal map
        additional_bump: acolor texture, Texture for additional bump effect. This is u
      sed only when map_type is not 0 or 5. This param always work with output from th
      e texture bump output (5).
        bump_map_mult: float = 1, Multiplier applied to the bump map
        units: integer = 0, The units for the bump amount (0 - default scene units; 1
      - cm). Only valid if the mode is 0 ("bump map")
      Supported interfaces:
      If there's a hint hidden in this about how to get it to work I'm too dumb to recognize it..
      Last edited by Ihno; 15-02-2019, 06:31 AM.
      German guy, sorry for my English.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ihno View Post
        There is nothing except the blog post. I believe you can copy paste much of it from the docs for the other apps.
        Please at least create some basic usage examples. Some of them seem to not work at all /missing part of the inputs. (BRDFBump / BRDFLayered f.e)
        Maybe not the best example but if you want the same seed from a noise texture between Max and Standalone, you can use VRayPluginNodeTex. Basic usage for one could be something that will be never used by others, so if you have some ideas - I'll be happy to help.

        Originally posted by Morne View Post
        I found some in the form of cmd line help, which SUCK big time. The official help actually says to use the cmd line to show the help parameters. Why not just add proper help in the documentation instead of this cmdline nonsense?
        Would it be better if all that info was in hundreds of separate pages? With the CMD you can query exactly what you're looking for.
        If it was that easy, it would have already been done

        Peter Matanov


        • #5
          Originally posted by slizer View Post
          Maybe not the best example but if you want the same seed from a noise texture between Max and Standalone, you can use VRayPluginNodeTex. Basic usage for one could be something that will be never used by others, so if you have some ideas - I'll be happy to help.
          How to use the ones that don't seem to work (examples above)

          Originally posted by slizer View Post
          Would it be better if all that info was in hundreds of separate pages? With the CMD you can query exactly what you're looking for.
          With proper search and navigation that works with mouse only?
          Hell yeah, of course. There is a reason why graphic user interfaces won the game 25 years ago.
          German guy, sorry for my English.


          • #6
            Originally posted by slizer View Post

            Would it be better if all that info was in hundreds of separate pages? With the CMD you can query exactly what you're looking for.
            OK if you're a tech, but most artists are artists.....
            Last edited by Morne; 15-02-2019, 06:32 AM.
            Kind Regards,

