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Denoiser Include / exclude button

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  • Denoiser Include / exclude button

    i really think a great great idea would be introducing an include/exclude button in the denoiser element

    because in many cases you would only need denoiser in some relection materials or shadows on certain objects

    and you can even add multiple denoiser elements with different values for each case

    just imagine how much a setting like this can make you focus on artistic work rather than samples and AA

    hope it catches an eye of someone here

  • #2
    I'll start with the last one since its the least obvious for me:

    Originally posted by Arch.Hany View Post
    just imagine how much a setting like this can make you focus on artistic work rather than samples and AA
    How adding multiple Denoiser render elements, with different settings, would help the artist to focus more on artistic work?
    It's exactly the opposite in my mind, a single element without much technical stuff to do that allows you to clear the whole rendering not just small parts of it would leave more time to focus on artistic job.
    How would one know where the noise will be and what Denoise parameters will be needed to clear it, and also what would happen if areas with different settings overlaps and so on?

    Originally posted by Arch.Hany View Post
    because in many cases you would only need denoiser in some relection materials or shadows on certain objects
    It might not be that difficult to set Denoise maks via Object/Material IDs, which will help denoising specific objects but there is no such thing as ShadowID mask so denoising shadows from specific objects would not be possible. Furthermore, denoising separate objects visible in Reflections/Refractions will not be that easy too.

    It sounds much more reasonable for me to use V-Ray Denoiser tool in Nuke to do all those operations during the compositing stage and only if needed, doing them on V-Ray side will be less effective, will costs more time and will introduce more technical work to the artist.
    Last edited by Svetlozar Draganov; 24-06-2019, 05:57 AM.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
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    • #3
      for example a strong denoiser would work with surfaces that has no texture details
      and a mild denoiser would be good for those textured surfaces

      right now what option i have to overcome this problem ?

      with include exclude option ( or mtl id ) you can achieve a perfectly denoised image

      and i didnt mean by mentioning reflection or shadow to work on specific elements
      i only meant that refelction glossiness and shadows in many cases cause noise on specific objects rgb render
      so its would be a way to overcome those issues


      • #4
        You can always use masks to only use the denoised image where you need it though... In post obviously.
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        • #5
          from my understanding no post work could reproduce the vray denoiser
          it generates passes that makes it work better

          also i tried makes two vray denoisers one mild and one strong setting but i get only the last one and the other is black
          if this works maybe it can help us achieve what we want here

          and i would be able to separate each by masks in post


          • #6
            Then I suggest using the denoiser tool with several settings, save out different results and use what you need.
            obviously this doesn't work with nvidia denoiser.
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