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More Proxy ideas

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  • More Proxy ideas

    Just a thought but a global or selected option for switching btwn bounding box and preview from file in the viewports.

    ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■

  • #2
    Hi Syclone1,

    Looong time reader, first time poster....

    I hope this can be of some use. Two days ago I wrote two very simple scripts (if you want to call them that) to do just that. I have never wrote a script before. And probably never will again as I have basically no idea what I'm doing . Having said that...

    I created a button to turn all VRay proxies to a bounding box with:

    select $VRayProxy*
    $.display = 0
    $.boxmode = on

    First line selects all proxy objects that start with "VRayProxy" (the default proxy name). Second line turns them all to bounding box. Third line is the Max version of the bounding box to make the boxes wireframe so you can see through them.

    Then I created another button to turn them all back to preview by doing the opposite:

    select $VRayProxy*
    $.display = 1
    $.boxmode = off

    This is how I toggle them on and off. If someone has a better way of doing this I'm all .


    • #3
      Cool thanks Horizon Ill give it a shot, me and maxscript are like oil and water

      ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


      • #4
        A more universal one

        objs = $objects
        for i = 1 to objs.count do
        if classof objs[i] == vrayproxy do
        	if objs[i].display == 0 then
        		(objs[i].display = 1)
        		else (objs[i].display = 0)
        That's a toggle that goes for the class, what means that you can rename them whatever you want. Also no Objects get selected.
        Toggle the state of all your proxies at once means, that it turns any proxy displayed as a mesh into box and vice versa. So to work in the way you exspect it to, all proxies should be set to one view mode in the beginning.
        that's an easy one, too:

        objs = $objects
        for i = 1 to objs.count do
        if classof objs[i] == vrayproxy do
        	objs[i].display = 0
        You can easily turn that into a shortcut or quad entry.

        Best regards,
        This signature is only a temporary solution


        • #5
          Thanks Sushidelic! That's great! Just ignore the junk I wrote before. Would it be possible to throw Max's "Display as Box" command in there as well? When applying VRay's "bounding box" option they show up solid which can get in the way when you've got a lot of proxies. To overcome this I apply "Display as Box" to make them show as wireframe.

          Thanks again.


          • #6
            Thanks Sushidelic, I will be trying that soon

            ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


            • #7
              The one with box mode

              objs = $objects 
              for i = 1 to objs.count do 
              	if classof objs[i] == vrayproxy do 
              		if objs[i].display == 0 then 
              			objs[i].display = 1
              			objs[i].boxmode = off
              			objs[i].display = 0
              			objs[i].boxmode = on
              Best regards,
              This signature is only a temporary solution


              • #8
                Excellent! Thanks for taking the time Michael!


                • #9
                  Okay, these scripts don't seem to work for me....I don't think they work if you're running the N-Vida drivers for MAX.

                  The "solid box" script only affects some proxies, and when I'm in wireframe the proxies are completely invisible.

                  The "bounding box" script makes all proxies invisible.

                  Any ideas?


                  • #10
                    Thats a problem with the proxys themselves, not the script..

                    I'm having the same issue here on Nvidia's OpenGL, and on maxtreme 7.00.03,
                    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


                    • #11
                      Thats a problem with the proxys themselves, not the script..

                      I'm having the same issue here on Nvidia's OpenGL, and on maxtreme 7.00.03
                      Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


                      • #12
                        Turns out it's the Maxtreme driver. Seems that is not only effects this script but the VRay Proxies themselves. If you run max without it, it seems fine.

