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I want to play with depth of field without ruining my exposure - please find a way to "de link" the fstop from the exposure, or to compensate somehow.

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  • I want to play with depth of field without ruining my exposure - please find a way to "de link" the fstop from the exposure, or to compensate somehow.

    Not everything we do in Vray is completely photo realistic.

    Soemtimes we need to tell a story or make a point.

    Depth of field can be very useful for this - however, when I have exposed a scene, and then come in later and want to add some DOF - I'm just in "settings hell" - I want to keeo my image levels consistent for a variety of reasons, so I don't want to play around with auto exposure etc.

    The Physcal Camera that you guys made for Autodesk operates like this.... can we please have some functionality like this in the normal Vray camera?

    Even if it's just linking the shutter speed and doign some clever maths when I scroll the fstop up and down.

    Thanks. - Vray Mentor

  • #2
    There has been a solution to this for years: The 3dsMax Physical Camera. It has all the options you already know and they are fully supported by V-Ray. It has a feature though the V-Ray Physcam does not have: The Exposure Value or EV. Adjust this parameter until you are happy with the exposure in your scene. You can then adjust the F-Stop to get the right amount of DOF you need, without changing the lighting. The same can be done for Motion Blur.
    I wish the V-Ray Physcam had this, along with a better interface. In my eyes, the 3dsMax Physcam is superior in every way.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I should have a coffee before reading. Anyway, having these features in the V-Ray Physical Cam would be nice!


    • #3
      +1, having an EV parameter that is not linked to the f-stop and shutter speed would be awesome. You can turn off exposure but then you can't adjust the light levels through the camera.


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by AbeTJH View Post
          +1, having an EV parameter that is not linked to the f-stop and shutter speed would be awesome. You can turn off exposure but then you can't adjust the light levels through the camera.
          The MAX vray physical cameras doesnt have an ISO value?

          But agree with original point, a way in vray to control DOF in the camera without affecting exposure would be nice.



          • #6
            Originally posted by seandunderdale View Post

            The MAX vray physical cameras doesnt have an ISO value?

            But agree with original point, a way in vray to control DOF in the camera without affecting exposure would be nice.
            It does, but when you turn off the exposure checkbox it does not have any affect.


            • #7
              I assume Maya and Max Vray physical cameras are the same...if they are, you can use the "Zoom factor" to affect DOF without changing exposure. Higher numbers lower the blur, while keeping the exposure the same. (This is a Maya fix, so havnt tested in MAX).


              • #8
                Never thought of that - great tip and it does work in Max too
                And it's animatable of course, although it does screw up the viewport camera icon for some reason - doesn't affect the render..
                Last edited by fixeighted; 07-02-2020, 04:06 AM.


                • #9
                  Changing the sensor size while keeping the camera in fov mode also works.
                  Dont know if this should be animated though.
                  German guy, sorry for my English.


                  • #10
                    Is there a significant difference between the Max Physical Camera and the Vray Physical Camera.

                    When you create a Max Physical Camera, a Physical Camera Exposure Control is setup automatically. Does that clamp the image somehow?

