I think it would be good, if the VRayTriPlanar Tex would also work with particles shape geometry.
Right now you can only choose local object or reference node space.
For example I got some rocks falling down. Each rock as single object is shaded with TriPlanarTex. It works well. Now I set the rocks as particle shapes and apply the rockshader with the TriPlanarTex to the particle system. Then, when it comes to render, the rock geometry seems to slide underneath the texture because the particle system is one object with one local object space and the texture stays in place.
So a "particle space"-option for the TriPlanarTex map-node would be very great!
Thanks so far!
I think it would be good, if the VRayTriPlanar Tex would also work with particles shape geometry.
Right now you can only choose local object or reference node space.
For example I got some rocks falling down. Each rock as single object is shaded with TriPlanarTex. It works well. Now I set the rocks as particle shapes and apply the rockshader with the TriPlanarTex to the particle system. Then, when it comes to render, the rock geometry seems to slide underneath the texture because the particle system is one object with one local object space and the texture stays in place.
So a "particle space"-option for the TriPlanarTex map-node would be very great!
Thanks so far!