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VRayColor - Auto-Adopt Color Swatch

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  • VRayColor - Auto-Adopt Color Swatch

    I would love a checkbox in VRayColor that lets it automatically adopt the color of the slot it's replacing. For example, if I have a VRayMultiSubTex with 10 colors for 10 different face ID's, it's a long process to apply a VRayColor to each one of those slots and change the colors for each one. Instead, it would be much faster to set the colors in the in the MultiSubTex > apply a VRayColor with an auto-adopt color option checked on > then make 9 more copies of that VRayColor > assign them to each subTex > and the colors would automatically change without me having to go into every single VRayColor and manually changing the color swatch. I've attached a screenshot that shows a scene I'm working on that required me to go into every single VRayColor and manually change it, rather than being able to from the VRayMultiSubTex menu.

    Hope that makes sense. A simpler example would be connecting VRayColor to the Diffuse slot of a VRayMtl, and simply change the color swatch in the VRayMtl without having to go into VRayColor itself. I understand there are certain situations where you would want the two swatches to display differently in the viewport which is why having the ability to turn that on and off within VRayColor would be great.

    Thank you

  • #2
    I’ve been wondering the same thing myself, but I’m not sure if it’s possible yet. Out of curiosity, why do you need to do this? In my case it was because I wanted to specify the RGB primaries (I was rendering in ACEScg but wanted the colors specified in sRGB).

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks Vlado,

      I was also rendering in ACEScg. In my screenshot you can see I was originally using a MultiSubTex as basic diffuse colors on geometry with multiple face IDs, but I applied VRayColor to each slot to change the color space. It was just tedious to go into each VRayColor and change the colors, so I thought the option to have it adopt the color swatch it's replacing would be helpful in that regards.

      The reason for being able to turn that option off - sometimes I'll set the VRayMaterial base color to something I want to see in the viewport, but use a different color in the VRayColor slot (ie glass so I don't see a pure black object in the viewport, but rather gray or blue or whatever color I choose). I'll also use that same trick on the Refraction color slot so I can manually adjust the transparency I see in Max's viewport. I'll set the refractive color to white in VRayColor but keep it grey in the base material color slot without messing with Transparency options in Max's viewport. That way it's only slightly transparent, not totally invisible.

      Hopefully it's possible in the future. Thanks again!

