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All include/exclude elements, to include a 'by layer(s)' option

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  • All include/exclude elements, to include a 'by layer(s)' option

    Hi Team

    For things like the override material, as well as vraytoon environment effect, vraydistancetex etc, it would be AWESOME if the include/exclude list could be expanded to include/exclude layers.

    It's a constant struggle on LARGE scenes with 10+ xrefs to create special render effects etc using above options, since anything not currently IN the scene, cant be set to be included or excluded. We then end up merging all the xrefs which ends up us having to update and maintain 2 sets of models, nevermind the issues with 3GB+ max files...

    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    I couldn't agree more, and an exclude for Zdepth too, to use it with post processing DOF.


    • #3
      The "classic" Include/Exclude list is controlled by Max itself we just call it.

      For the override material there are already some extended options -

      Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2021-04-09_10-44-19.png
Views:	138
Size:	12.2 KB
ID:	1110139

      If it was that easy, it would have already been done

      Peter Matanov


      • #4
        it would be great if this option would also appear in each camera, as it is in corona, this works very well when you have things in the foreground obstructing the scene but you want them to appear in the calculation of reflection, gi, etc...

