as title, ive got a load of geometry drivers for a distance tex, and i wish some of them (and their effect on the distance tex) to be visible in different shots.. as it is i have to manually remove the ones i dont want from the list each time i hide them. its a pain...
a checkbox to respect object visibility/renderability would be nice.
if we wanted to get fancy, a multiplier of some kind on the "near" and "inside" colours based on the visibility spinner in the object properties, so if i fade an object in, the distance tex fades in too... that would be ACE. as usual, i need this for my current job, so if i can have it tomorrow that would also, be ace.
a checkbox to respect object visibility/renderability would be nice.
if we wanted to get fancy, a multiplier of some kind on the "near" and "inside" colours based on the visibility spinner in the object properties, so if i fade an object in, the distance tex fades in too... that would be ACE. as usual, i need this for my current job, so if i can have it tomorrow that would also, be ace.