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Anyone use CPU Baked AO? Because: GPU Baked Ambient Occlusion Request.

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  • Anyone use CPU Baked AO? Because: GPU Baked Ambient Occlusion Request.

    Surely several others make use of the CPU baked AO option, at least I'm hoping?

    Apologies for the redundancy (Hopefully okay but I'll remove the GPU Wish-list post if necessary, please let me know?) and also posting here, simply because my beloved Max specific sections receive way more traffic and I'm unabashedly attempting to generate interest and support for what is an extremely useful, convenient, time saving feature, also for the sake of CPU/GPU parity.

    The baked AO of V-Ray CPU has been a wonderful feature for many years, I often will switch to CPU because of its convenience.

    Is there any possibility that this might be added to GPU? I know I ask about this every few years but it is such a time saver not having to mess with compositing if you just need quick straight out of VFB images.

    GPU is so lovely, but can also look very flat and under defined sans AO.

    Thank you!