I was having some trouble with saving Render Elements of an animation to tga, lately (something with an I/O error, I haven't made a forum post about it yet). So only solution I could quickly think of was saving everything to vrimg file. But what's the use of a vrimg file outside of Vray. In premiere I can't read them, and EXR neither actually. I'm sure there's different applications but that's beside the point.
It would be nice, if the VFB had a few things added to the batch image processing tool inside it. For instance, it would be nice if you could choose the extension of the batch processed vrimg (instead of only vrimg), and whether you would like to save it in different channels or just the beauty, or maybe even choose which channels to extract.
In a way the vrimg to exr converter would be more integrated too.
Also the VFB standalone version would be nice
It would be nice, if the VFB had a few things added to the batch image processing tool inside it. For instance, it would be nice if you could choose the extension of the batch processed vrimg (instead of only vrimg), and whether you would like to save it in different channels or just the beauty, or maybe even choose which channels to extract.
In a way the vrimg to exr converter would be more integrated too.
Also the VFB standalone version would be nice