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Bring Back FumeFX direct rendering in Vray 5+

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  • Bring Back FumeFX direct rendering in Vray 5+

    since Vray 5, we are no longer able to render directly FumeFX from FumeFX, we need to export simulation as VDB, then load it inside Vray VolumeGrid , else 3dsMAX crash to desktop.
    I know chaos got PhoenixFD (wich it is great by the way), but could we have back FumeFX support inside VRay?
    What is more annoying that a feature not working , is a feature removed....

    Please give us back FumeFX direct rendering in VRay5+.

  • #2
    You should contact the FumeFX guys for that, they choose which renderer to support.
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      Hello there!

      Chaos should definitely create VRay volume grid and volume material workflow like all other renderers have.
      Redshift and Octane developers added support for FumeFX years ago - and even Corona had it.
      We've only added interface for them to retrieve data. That interface is available for Chaos and any other developers - they're all more than welcome to contact us.

      Chaos knows that this is the best way for renderer to provide support to volumes both on CPU and GPU as well as illumination map, GI, cuastics and other features that renderer supports.
      Hoping for VRay users that Chaos will make this step and get VRay volume rendering support like every other renderer does.

      Kresimir Tkalcec
      Sitni Sati CEO


      • #4
        Just want to drop in with an important remark - GPU renderers such as Redshift and Octane have no other choice but to implement support for 3rd party volumes themselves - this is one of the limitations of GPU rendering development for all CG software.

        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
          Just want to drop in with an important remark - GPU renderers such as Redshift and Octane have no other choice but to implement support for 3rd party volumes themselves - this is one of the limitations of GPU rendering development for all CG software.

          Yes, and VRay also has the GPU rendering so that's one more reason why we all need some sort of support done on Chaos side.
          Bottom line is - Arnold has a simple translator that devs can use to pass data to Standard Volume shader.
          Thus, could VRay provide its own interface to query volume objects - instead that Chaos support each developer independantly?

          This would require a Volume Material, so could you please make something like Arnold has?

          This opens up so may possibilities.

          Thank you.


          • #6
            kresimir_tkalcec : A volume shader will be a must, compare to using this atmospheric system in 3dsMAX...
            It will allow user to better switch a scene from Arnold to Vray converting the grid and the material (for exemple (3dsMAX scene converter))
            IT also we be easier for look dev (tweak material, look fine, duplicate material, and continue tweaking)
            Out of subject, but this coudl also open the door, to direct rendering VDB from tP (we need to assign a volume shader for it working (ok then it need to acces the tP API, but this is an another topic to open latter for tP)

            But defintily +1 for a proper Vray volume material (i'm not a huge fan of the atmospheric workflow)

            For FFX and Vray, i notice that the rendering, will crash randomly, but could be stable "enought", except if using IPR (it will cash randomly more often), but FFX Renderelements make max to crash if vray is the renderer, every single time => it was working with Vray 4....this is since VRay 5, this behaviour happen...


            • #7
              +1 Support between VRay and Fume would be a very effective option for many customers of both products and a big help to the 3ds Max platform in general.

              Yes, Phoenix is nice and we use it a ton, too. We would like VRay to be able to support and render anything in 3ds Max.


              • #8
                I also want compatibility!
                It's very important to the pipeline.

                OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


                • #9
                  Ok, look like so far, the change done on nightlies, to support FFX REs, fixe Vray5 FFX compatibility (i got now intempestive crash, since few time now....let's hope the fix will still be there in Vray6...)


                  • #10
                    I'd like to see combability as well!


                    • #11
                      This has whole issue of "hey, reach out to them, it's their decision" has always bothered me. And it's been like that for quite some time with Chaos and Fume devs. Yes I remember when Fumefx worked in Vray, it was grand. Then one day it didn't so I switched to Phoenix from then on. And Phoenix is dope btw but seriously can we not have Fumefx support too? Let your customers decide which plugin works best for their needs. Because in the end everything comes back to VRAY. So yea +1.


                      • #12

                        We did some fixes for issues on our side a few months ago and the fixes are available in the stable nightly 5.2 builds ( Can you try with them ?

                        Best regards,
                        Yavor Rubenov
                        V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                        • #13
                          What does it take for Chaos to make Vray6 render FumeFX directly rather than exporting for the vdb grids ?
                          It worked up thru Vray 4. It would just be easier and less of a pain to be able to render directly.
                          It's been long enough now that I would have thought Chaos would have implemented a fix and created a shader like Arnold and the other render engines have.

