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VrayDecal Multi/sub-object support

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  • VrayDecal Multi/sub-object support

    Would it be possible to add a support for the Material modifier to the VrayDecals?

    Our workflow uses mosty the multi/sub-object material for rearranging our slates.
    It would be great if we could attach all of our vraydecal materials to one Multi/sub-Object material and assign them through the material Id.
    This would make it way easier to regroup our materials.

    Adding a Material modifier to a Vraydecal turns it now into a solid box.

    Any possibility or script to implement this feature?
    Thank you

  • #2
    Originally posted by cedeee View Post
    Would it be possible to add a support for the Material modifier to the VrayDecals?

    Our workflow uses mosty the multi/sub-object material for rearranging our slates.
    It would be great if we could attach all of our vraydecal materials to one Multi/sub-Object material and assign them through the material Id.
    This would make it way easier to regroup our materials.

    Adding a Material modifier to a Vraydecal turns it now into a solid box.

    Any possibility or script to implement this feature?
    Thank you
    You can do that if you use a VraySwitchMtl instead of a Multisub. Just plug all your decal materials in a VraySwitchMtl and you can control what material to use changing the Switch value inside the mat.
    pixel bender @ panoptikon


    • #3
      Originally posted by garipodelu View Post

      You can do that if you use a VraySwitchMtl instead of a Multisub. Just plug all your decal materials in a VraySwitchMtl and you can control what material to use changing the Switch value inside the mat.
      Thank you! So by adding a VrayUserScalar and giving a nr/attribute to each VrayDecal in the user defined properties, I can indeed make it work.
      A bit tidious as workflow as a material modifier would be in my opinion easier to setup.

      Only one problem, my 3dsmax 2023 freezes at the end of the render with this method. Do you experience the same behaviour?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hi, I tried to replicate what you are testing. Here is a gif of what I did
        Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-08-29_11-48-09.gif
Views:	207
Size:	2.30 MB
ID:	1189485Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-08-29_12-03-02.jpg
Views:	195
Size:	375.0 KB
ID:	1189486

        I am not sure if this result will work in your case but it does not crash. I am using 3ds Max 2023 with V-Ray 6.10.08 (latest version).

        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
          Hi, I tried to replicate what you are testing. Here is a gif of what I did
          Click image for larger version  Name:	3dsmax_2023-08-29_11-48-09.gif Views:	0 Size:	2.30 MB ID:	1189485Click image for larger version  Name:	3dsmax_2023-08-29_12-03-02.jpg Views:	0 Size:	375.0 KB ID:	1189486

          I am not sure if this result will work in your case but it does not crash. I am using 3ds Max 2023 with V-Ray 6.10.08 (latest version).
          Hi Vladimir , thanks for having a look. ​
          I have indeed no issue if i use the same Id for every VrayDecal. The problem persists when I'am attributing different Id's to several VrayDecals. Then 3dsmax hangs and i can only kill the process. (latest version of vray). You can see that it is not responding at the end of the video.

          Seems like it responds again after a good 10min. Not sure if its an isolated problem
          Last edited by cedeee; 29-08-2023, 03:05 AM.


          • #6
            Hi, it does freeze on my setup as well. I am still not sure what is causing the freeze the decal or the switch material or probably both in combination. I will continue troubleshooting and get back to you.
            Vladimir Krastev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              Thanks Vladimir! Maybe a Material Id support would be interesting then. winkwink


              • #8
                HI, we reported the issue with VRayDecal, Switch material and user defined properties. It is not a freeze but the refresh takes too much time and we will improve this.
                The issue is reported under VMAX-13581
                Last edited by vladimir_krastev; 08-09-2023, 02:49 AM.
                Vladimir Krastev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us

