Hi, I want to suggest a few ideas, mostly related to improve the general workflow
- VFB Dockable
- VFB Toogle Open/Close with the same hotkey like the M on material Editor
- VFB History - Switching between Current Render and saved History render feels so clunky with hotkeys - it happens because there is no option to select the current render as A by default, so the only option it`s to toogle the A/B option
- VFB History - There is no option to save the current render on history with hotkey
- I`d love to see the Mapping attribute on Vray Dome Light - It`s really annoying to open the SME, select the texture just to rotate the HDRI

- VFB Dockable
- VFB Toogle Open/Close with the same hotkey like the M on material Editor
- VFB History - Switching between Current Render and saved History render feels so clunky with hotkeys - it happens because there is no option to select the current render as A by default, so the only option it`s to toogle the A/B option
- VFB History - There is no option to save the current render on history with hotkey
- I`d love to see the Mapping attribute on Vray Dome Light - It`s really annoying to open the SME, select the texture just to rotate the HDRI
