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Non-scrolling/locked Camera and Light names in new Lister

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  • Non-scrolling/locked Camera and Light names in new Lister

    Keeping track of which light or camera you want to modify can sometimes be a a pain when the value you have to change is on the far right of the listed parameters since the name scrolls of the screen. Maybe some way to lock certain columns (say everything left of the Name so Selection, Set view, and Hidden for a camera) would stay put while the other parameters scroll along with the slider.

    Just a thought. - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.

  • #2
    Hi. Thanks for the idea. Even if we make the names static would this solve the problem? I mean, you still might have 4, or 5 columns till the one you need. So your eyes could lose track. What about slightly colored rows of cameras/lights that were selected? So the idea is if you select a camera this color will overlay all the settings along the row till the end. However, you are not obligated to select something you would like to adjust with the current setup. And this behavior is not going to change either way. The color will mark the presence of a selection, and that's all. Let me know what you think. The image was made quick and dirty.Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-01-25_18h33_29.png
Views:	159
Size:	60.0 KB
ID:	1200704


    • #3
      I think he means something like the way excel works as shown in this article. (Look where it says, “If I chose to freeze the first column, then it would look like this:”)

      You can freeze column A, and scroll horizontally with the first column (light or camera name) frozen, but all the other cells move horizontally. So you can easily scroll to place any arbitrary column directly to the right of the item name.

      Note that you would want the ability to scroll all the way to the right so that the very last column could be placed directly to the right of the item name (leaving a bunch of blank space on the right side if necessary). The goal is the ability to place any arbitrary column directly to the right of the item name. So the scrolling should not be limited by the width of the window— even if the window is very wide you should still be able to place the right most column directly to the right of the item name. This would leave blank space on the right side of the window. (This blank space would be a much needed feature, not a bug.)


      • #4
        The row highlighting might help a bit but I wouldn't want to always select the light/camera I need to modify. Maybe some alternate row highlighting instead like the image below. For the names though, I'm trying to avoid the situation like this when the scroll bar is pushed to the right:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	155
Size:	38.2 KB
ID:	1200707

        Looking at this list you have no idea which setting applies to which camera without scrolling to the left. In your example, the lights are nicely named ..Light001, 002, ..., so it's easier to work out which light value you might need to change but in practice the light/camera list becomes a bit chaotic even if everything is properly named.​ - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Joelaff View Post
          You can freeze column A, and scroll horizontally with the first column (light or camera name) frozen, but all the other cells move horizontally. So you can easily scroll to place any arbitrary column directly to the right of the item name.
          Yes, this is exactly what I'm describing. (I posted the above while you were posting)
 - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


          • #6
            VisiCalc solved this 40 years ago. Like Excel after it, the ability to scroll past the end of the window to put any arbitrary column to the right of the item name is the key.

            This would indeed be very useful. I find myself not using the lister as much as I would expect because if this limitation.


            • #7
              While we're on the subject, would it be possible to store or maintain the width of the Name field each time I open the Lister? E.g., I open the lister, stretch out the Name field so I can see the actual names, close the Lister and reopen the Lister, and all of the Name fields are back to their original sizes. Very frustrating.
     - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


              • #8
                Thank you guys! We took some of the ideas and the remarks and put them in our system under VMAX-13969.

