With the default VRayDenoiser element (V-RayDenoiser engine), Intel's Open Image Denoiser cannot be applied with the standalone Denoiser tool to a saved .vrimg.
(albedo and bumpNormals required for OIDNs are not generated).
NVDIA AI Denoiser can be applied.
The following error in standalone Denoiser:
Reading file "D:\vvv.0000.vrimg"
File read successfully.
OpenImageDenoise took 253 milliseconds in total
error: [VUtils::OIDNDenoiser::denoise] 2: buffer region out of range
Denoising is aborted!
VRayDenoiser element settings with All Denoiser Engine element generation option.
(albedo and bumpNormals required for OIDNs are not generated).
NVDIA AI Denoiser can be applied.
The following error in standalone Denoiser:
Reading file "D:\vvv.0000.vrimg"
File read successfully.
OpenImageDenoise took 253 milliseconds in total
error: [VUtils::OIDNDenoiser::denoise] 2: buffer region out of range
Denoising is aborted!
VRayDenoiser element settings with All Denoiser Engine element generation option.