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  • Converter

    Hi there, I know that Converter has been a topic where a lot of people has asked for a lot of improvements.
    Sincerly most of the cases works very well, Im really happy that Vray 6 has improved translucency convertion, but there are some things that really needs to be added / modified:

    -Theres no way to convert Corona Displacement Modifier, I have tried to use the script from Corona that converts Vraydisplacementmod but I cannot make it work, im not really an scripter
    -Converting materials that has Corona Color Correct always gives incorrect ressults in 3ds Max Color Correct, I think that it could be better to leave it, knowing that Most of the Corona Maps are compatible with Vray

    Click image for larger version

Name:	03 Conversor.jpg
Views:	402
Size:	191.2 KB
ID:	1203096Click image for larger version

Name:	03b Conversor.jpg
Views:	248
Size:	152.0 KB
ID:	1203097​​
    Carlos Rodriguez

  • #2
    Yeah, I use V-RayMax Converter PRO. Why Chaos can't do the same, I don't know.

    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
    • ​Windows 11 Pro


    • #3
      I have use it too, its the perfect solution, but you have to pay for something that we must have in Vray Tools, I have tested this other free script it was pretty useful in all scenarios, unfortunately doesnt have Displacement Mod converter either
      Carlos Rodriguez


      • #4
        I have no clue how a third party developer can develop something that works better than the company that is making both renderers.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
          I have no clue how a third party developer can develop something that works better than the company that is making both renderers.
          I have had this kind of experience with Corona, I have asked for many things in the forum and when they say its Impossible, theres some random user that solves the issue in a very elegant way, I know that they have limited sources, but saying that something its impossible and someone comes up with the perfect solution its..... I dont know .....unbelievable
          Carlos Rodriguez


          • #6
            I bought V-RayMax Converter PRO. It works well, but every time I open it, I get a warning from Norton that a trojan has just been quarantined. I have so far quarantined a dozen different trojans when opening this app. I contacted the developer, and they said put this in your exclusions in Norton (whose interface has changed, but the instructions have not) -%LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\3dsMax\20xx - 64bit\ENU\scripts\MAXTools\VRayMaxConverterPro\. Nothing was in that folder. I searched for the VRayMaxConverterPro4.mse​ file and excluded it from Norton scans. But it doesn't ​work. Any ideas? Is this script safe?
            Attached Files


            • #7
              I talked to the Norton people yesterday for a total of 5+ hours (3 chat sessions and 2 phone calls with four technicians – each one higher up the rank). That “high risk” warning was unnerving. None of the exclusion methods that we tried worked on my computer.

              They told me that, at worst, the plugin is gathering minor data (not serious or financial), but it was equally possible that it was a false positive. They said not to use exclusions on the general \AppData\Local\Temp\ file since that location might acquire viruses. That makes sense.

              Either way, the warnings are confirmed not severe, so I’m okay with the warnings now and will live with them when I use the app. It works much better than the default Max scene converter.
              Last edited by brit_bunkley; 02-11-2024, 05:16 PM.

