Hi there, I know that Converter has been a topic where a lot of people has asked for a lot of improvements.
Sincerly most of the cases works very well, Im really happy that Vray 6 has improved translucency convertion, but there are some things that really needs to be added / modified:
-Theres no way to convert Corona Displacement Modifier, I have tried to use the script from Corona that converts Vraydisplacementmod but I cannot make it work, im not really an scripter
-Converting materials that has Corona Color Correct always gives incorrect ressults in 3ds Max Color Correct, I think that it could be better to leave it, knowing that Most of the Corona Maps are compatible with Vray

Sincerly most of the cases works very well, Im really happy that Vray 6 has improved translucency convertion, but there are some things that really needs to be added / modified:
-Theres no way to convert Corona Displacement Modifier, I have tried to use the script from Corona that converts Vraydisplacementmod but I cannot make it work, im not really an scripter
-Converting materials that has Corona Color Correct always gives incorrect ressults in 3ds Max Color Correct, I think that it could be better to leave it, knowing that Most of the Corona Maps are compatible with Vray