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EdgesTex as Displacement

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  • EdgesTex as Displacement

    I wanted to know if we could have EdgesTex working in displacement (It produces something, but its not actually working as it should be)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	223
Size:	1.11 MB
ID:	1211012

    Most of the time EdgesTex creates really great ressults but it deppends on the light
    There are some special cases where it could be very useful to have it on displacement
    I know that maibe this could ressult in more Ram use, but having only on edges could ressult in less memory?
    The only method that I could think of is to use 3ds max Displacement but this could take time to prepare

    The attached image shows how in some parts edgestex have very nice effect like in the granite surface, wood carpintery looks very good in the lower part but in the upper shelf its not very noticible, some of the stone tiles look good too, in the stucco wall the effect its broken due to the perfect vertical line on the right

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	273
Size:	1.05 MB
ID:	1211011
    Carlos Rodriguez

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. If you need the VRayEdgesTex to round the corners of your models you can do that using bump instead of displacement -
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi vladimir_krastev
      Yes, im aware of that, Im using it in the below example, perhaps I didnt explain myself.
      In the first image I showed the ressult when conecting the map in displacement, it gives strange ressults, I know that its not the way that it works, its designed to work as bump, using it in bump along the radius map gives very realistic details, but it depends on the lighting
      I was hoping that we could have a way that this map could work with displacement.
      Last edited by ChuckRT; 25-06-2024, 07:45 AM.
      Carlos Rodriguez


      • #4
        I don't think it has been developed with displacement in mind. The edges texture does not have a gradient to it and this will not work for displacement.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1PmGJgjdLT7QL6mT5RyHPbNIZEH68Hi3e&authuser=0.png
Views:	202
Size:	361.2 KB
ID:	1211075
        Maybe it could be upgraded though. We will discuss it and get back to the thread.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          I was wondering if theres a way to instead of having round edges we could have more flat effect
          Having round corners its perfect for stucco materials, but in concrete surfaces the edges are more flattened
          Carlos Rodriguez


          • #6
            I was wondering if theres a way to instead of having round edges we could have more flat effect
            If you can tell a difference between rounded and chamfered edge then it is better to model it. VRayEdgesTex is meant to quickly add detail without increasing the redner time and scene polygons.
            Vladimir Krastev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us

