Vlado is it possible to make unchecking "don't ren. fin image" when mode for IR map is "from file" on? I guess it's guite pointless to render from ir map without rendering final image and sometimes it happens to me that I forgot to uncheck this "don't render final image" =).
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is it possible to make unchecking "don't ren. fin image
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in addition, UI-wise I think it is better to name it "render GI pass only"
EDIT: of course there is more that just GI, better would be a checkbox with "render final image", what I mean is a checkbox with a don't is a bit unlogical.You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.
Actually, I can think of a a situation where you'd want to load from file, but don't want to render the final image:
Suppose you rendered out an irrmap for a sequence (not rendering the final image) and saved it. Then, a couple days later, you open the scene back up, and you want to add to that saved irrmap. You render a single frame from the saved irrmap, without rendering the final image, to load it back into memory so that you can use incremental add to add more to the irrmap.
so maybe putting "not rendering the final image" near render from file section?Luke Szeflinski
:: www.lukx.com cgi