jo, did you ever get anywhere with your seascript?
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material overide enable button
I got swamped in work so I never got it done but it is based on a certain combination of material settings and modifiers so I might do a quick tutorial on how it's made. That said I've got a little more free time so I might get back to it - I've got a scripted character rig maker to get done first.
nice, i love the test image on your website of the sea. A tut would be great, a finished script even better
The test image was literally to match a particular image and done as a specific scene so after the script is run there's still a few tweaks to be done - it's almost like the 3d equivalent of tracing - much easier to get the results you want when you've got exact ref
Originally posted by DaForcesheesh... anything to up your post count
Ok, script's done, thanks also to the very enjoyable help and directions from jacksc02 (Or Chris, that is:P).
Fire it through maxscript (i'm LAZY, people.), check what material you want changed (all, only perfectly diffuse ones, only reflective, only refractive) or the effects you want disabled (reflection or refraction glossies), pick a material as a replacement, and click replace.
AS LONG AS THE SCRIPT IS LEFT OPEN, you'll be able to revert back with another click.
Two side notes:
A) if no material replacement is picked, the script will REMOVE the material instead of replacing it.
B)when disable glossies is checked, there is no need for a replacement material, as the materials will be replaced with copies of themselves with no glossy effects.
Lemme know if it makes your work any easier...
here's the plugin
regards, chaps and chapettes!
edit: herm. I forgot to put in a check for texturemaps, guys.
so a material with a black reflection color, and a texture driving reflectivity will NOT be counted as a reflective material. same goes for the other options... I'll update it soon enough, though. Sorry about that :P
Script issues: read!
i should be more thorough the next time.
There's another BIG limitation: it only works with TOP-LEVEL VRAY MATERIALS.
So no multi-sub, no nesting, nothing.
Plain and simple, one vray material per object scene.
I very rarely use Multi-sub, preferring object splitting when possible, and overlooked this one completely.
I am working on the code to allow one more level (ie. shellac, multi-sub, Wrapper, and so on) at the moment, it should be ready sometimes tomorrow.
Again, i'm so very sorry for this
Updated script
An updated version of the script's online -> here <-, or through the script's "About" rollout.
It now supports vray materials within the first level of multi-sub object materials.
Support for more material types, and optionally more depth will be added later on.
More functions have been added: The ability to "Kill" all the diffuse channells of the scene (setting them to pure black), the ability to choose if refractive or reflective materials should be replaced or switched off (so one can selectively turn off reflection OR refraction for a scene).
There's also a picker to select the replacement material through the selection of an object.
Anyone with C&C would be welcome...
all working perfectly!
Used it today to set up some quick test renders