That would be good if the VrayDisplacementMod could work with high dynamic range images,
3ds max already makes it with his displacement (a little as a push map)
Vraydisplacementmod already accepts HDRI but seems limited or clamped
if the VrayDisplacementMod could work with HDRI that would incite the softwares such as Z-brush or Mundbox to export images of displacement in the HDR formats like radiance ( .hdr ), OpenEXR (.exr ) or tiff with 32 bits not only 16 bits.
I think that that could be although Vray is the first engine to accept them that would make it possible to render displacement with much more detail.
Best regards,
3ds max already makes it with his displacement (a little as a push map)
Vraydisplacementmod already accepts HDRI but seems limited or clamped
if the VrayDisplacementMod could work with HDRI that would incite the softwares such as Z-brush or Mundbox to export images of displacement in the HDR formats like radiance ( .hdr ), OpenEXR (.exr ) or tiff with 32 bits not only 16 bits.
I think that that could be although Vray is the first engine to accept them that would make it possible to render displacement with much more detail.
Best regards,