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user view render with vray physical camera properties.

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  • user view render with vray physical camera properties.

    not sure how this would work, or if it would work...

    i often do quick renders from user views, or general perspective views to see how something is looking. when working with vray physical cameras, i can not do this. it would be cool if there were some ways to apply your camera settings to these 'free' views, where you can quickly rotate around, and look at different things without changing the camera.

  • #2
    Already mentioned in another thread and pretty much shot down... - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


    • #3
      Shot down by who?

      I didn't see vlado, or anyone from chaos say no, they are not talking about perspective views. They are talking about ortho views.

      It probably can be scripted fairly easily.
      Basic steps: Make New Camera from view, convert to vray camera, apply global settings, render, delete camera.

      Im sure vlado can do this without the steps of creating and deleting the camera, ussuming there is a place to store user changeable default camera settings. (or using last create vray pys. cam for settings)


      • #4
        Originally posted by travistlo
        Shot down by who?

        I didn't see vlado, or anyone from chaos say no, they are not talking about perspective views. They are talking about ortho views.

        It probably can be scripted fairly easily.
        Basic steps: Make New Camera from view, convert to vray camera, apply global settings, render, delete camera.

        Im sure vlado can do this without the steps of creating and deleting the camera, ussuming there is a place to store user changeable default camera settings. (or using last create vray pys. cam for settings)
        Yeah, your right- kind of jumped the gun on that one and mixed up orthographics views with perspectives. Probably doable (seems like most things are with vlado). - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


        • #5

          one of many usefull scripts by Lele
          anything_to_vrphysicalcamera if i recall right will do the trick for u!
          Nuno de Castro

          00351 917593145

