I love vray toon, I think we all do. There are a couple toon generators out there that are making some of us gealous though. Final Toon from Cebas as well as Sketch & Toon from C4D (I think) have 1 great feature that I would love to see in future releases of Vray. Where corners meet, you are able to adjust the extention lines of the "tooned" lines. See the attached image which was done by Gary Allison. There is a discussion about the topic on CGArchitect. Here is the link if anyone is interested: http://www.cgarchitect.com/vb/22355-...e-drawing.html . It is a subtle effect that is really desired, but mainly it comes into effect at corners, and where there is a radius. Maybe at each segment. The thing I loke better about Vray Toon, is that you can have a "world" value as the line thickness, so when the lines are further away from the camera, the lines are thinner. But I really want those extension lines. Take a peak and let me know what you think. Maybe if there is a good response, the chaos guys will look into it, I mean we can't have Cebas doing something we can't.
