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Wish: Reinhard Mapping for input HDRI

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  • Wish: Reinhard Mapping for input HDRI

    The last days I play with a high quality, highres HDRI. But one problem with the HDRI, the dynamic is much to high for reflection sampling, the results are horrible noisy and slow rendered.

    After many hours of testings I found a simple way to decrease the intensity per Picturenaut and HDRShop plugin ExpLog, the HDRI stay a 32bit image.
    My wish is to get it easier, a Reinhard "burn" option for HDRI textures could be great. So, if the intensity is to high, I could lower the dynamic within Vray until Vray can handle it.

    Interesting for me is, that the GI calcualtion can handle the high local intensities of the HDRI, but not the reflection calculation. It's not the first time, that a dynamic decrease helps.

    Attached two test examples, first image default HDRI usage and second image my refined HDRI (rendertimes of a Q6600 3GHz). I don't liked the bright spot light of the HDRI, so my second image based on a GI HDRI without this spot light. I feel, the lighting without spot better match with the background and a spot light can be better add per light source.
    Both image base on the same setup, only the textures are changed. ... visualization for designer and architects