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local reflection exclude

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  • local reflection exclude

    Would it be possible to integrate a local exclude for reflection

    Just like standard Max has it, when using raytrace.

    So its possible to have more control over the things reflected, by material.


  • #2
    If you want this on a level [ BY MATERIAL ] you can use the VRayOverride material and assign a 100% invisible (transparent) material on the Override reflective material.

    That will work for sure !

    Best regards,
    nikki Candelero
    .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


    • #3
      that would make it invisible to everything else right? I think the OP is looking to selectively choose which objects will reflect another object. Something I've asked for before.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        Originally posted by percydaman
        that would make it invisible to everything else right? I think the OP is looking to selectively choose which objects will reflect another object. Something I've asked for before.
        Another option is to use the V-Ray properties of the objects, and check-off the visibility in refl/refr. for a current one. However you cannot say yet in which reflections to be visible and in which else - not.

        Best regards,
        nikki Candelero
        .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


        • #5
          Thanx, but its actually the other way around

          scene with a waterplane, a building and a skydome.

          I want the building to reflect the dome in the glass, and,
          I want the water to reflect the building, but not the dome.

          Unless I dont understand your idea, but then I would use, basis Max-properties to do that.


          (EDIT: I'm trying "original-max-raytrace" in the reflect-box of a vray-material, that could work)
          (EDIT: well it didnt, yet)


          • #6
            Yes, "Just like standard Max has it, when using raytrace."


            • #7
              I agree with this completely. I always seem to have problems with lights reflecting on a polished floor that I don't want to see. If you turn off effect reflections in the vray light then you loose that in all the materials. Not good.

