hi, hope this is not a re-post!
scatter and maxfur (with instanced geometry) do a great job in creating greenery for arch viz and other stuff.
it's working also very good to collapse them to vrayproxies and instance them around the scene.
if these proxies get very big though (like a proxie with lot's of leaves covering a whole building, or even several buildings) vray tends to slow down on those, especially the LC and IrrMap prepasses. I've seen dropdown's in cpu usage to like 5-10%. proxies are perfect, but i guess one should build relatively smal ones and instance those around to keep mem and cpu happy.(please correct me if i'm wrong here..).
the workaround is not scattering/furring these big objects, but splitting them down to smaller pieces. this takes a lot of work, and max does not allow much scripting on scattering either. so before you know you end up instancing proxies around manually, creating a lot of repetition which shows in your actual render. basicly i like the scatter and fur because you can create basic geometry and have these function's do the rest.
would be great to have a vrayscatter and/or instanced geometry option inside vrayfur, with all the memory and speed advantages we got used to from vray
scatter and maxfur (with instanced geometry) do a great job in creating greenery for arch viz and other stuff.
it's working also very good to collapse them to vrayproxies and instance them around the scene.
if these proxies get very big though (like a proxie with lot's of leaves covering a whole building, or even several buildings) vray tends to slow down on those, especially the LC and IrrMap prepasses. I've seen dropdown's in cpu usage to like 5-10%. proxies are perfect, but i guess one should build relatively smal ones and instance those around to keep mem and cpu happy.(please correct me if i'm wrong here..).
the workaround is not scattering/furring these big objects, but splitting them down to smaller pieces. this takes a lot of work, and max does not allow much scripting on scattering either. so before you know you end up instancing proxies around manually, creating a lot of repetition which shows in your actual render. basicly i like the scatter and fur because you can create basic geometry and have these function's do the rest.
would be great to have a vrayscatter and/or instanced geometry option inside vrayfur, with all the memory and speed advantages we got used to from vray
