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Lock Camera Values

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  • Lock Camera Values


    dont know if this has been suggested before, but:

    There are 3 settings controlling how much light enters the vray camera: F-Number, Exposure and ISO value. It would be exeedingly nice to be able to "lock" one of these numbers and let vray calculate it.

    For example, when working with DoF. You have found a nice overall exposure value for the entire image, but then you have to start mixing with the f-number to get the right DoF effect. Then it would be nice to "lock" the shutter speed so that no matter what you do with the f-number the resulting exposure would be the same as before you "locked" the shutter value.

    I know that this its lazy to request such a feature because you can either use a lookup table to find the corresponding shutter speed or do a shitload of testrenderings, but this would be a timesaver.

    in this case it would work similar to aparture priority program mode on a regular camera, only linear instead of in steps.
    Eivind Nag

  • #2
    Yep, this should be possible to do...

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Also I thought of another thing that could improve working with physcam - AUTO MODE !
      I'm pretty sure it has been mentioned here earlier.

      What I mean is that the camera would automatically set things like iso, f-stop etc based on the brightest and darkest pixels in the preview render, or some other calculations (materials, lights and so on). Of course it would be preferrable to have the option to set some settings manually and lock them, so that the auto mode would operate on others.
      THIS is lazy if you ask me, but could be very helpful

      Vlado - would it be hard to implement?


      the purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
      the purpose of an architect is to flip out and design for people.
      ________________________ /


      • #4
        You can use Lele's exposimeter for this purpose, works very well...

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

