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UV render pass

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  • UV render pass

    a UV Coordinates render element would be cool. Like in the RPF settings.

    Also, in 3dmax under object properties,... for "render occluded" to work with vray where when
    you open the RPF file it's layered with objects in the scene. I can only get it to
    work with the scanline renderer. In combustion I'm left with a black hole when using the g-buffer extract operator. Is that possible?

  • #2
    You can access the UV coordinates channel if something in your render "requests" it. For example, if you specify an .exr output, and add the UVcoords channel to the extra channels in the exr options, VRay will provide that channel too. You can even view it's contents by switching to the MAX VFB, it will be listed there.

    It is sorta like the sub pixel weight, and coverage channels, if something needs it, it will be rendered, and saved, but you don't have a VRay render element for it separately.

    Best regards,

    credit for avatar goes here

