I'm in a situation where I want to use the dome light with a texture (exr), and need to rotate it around on a per shot basis. Rotating it sideways so it tilts works fine, but rotating it horizontally (its Z axis) has no effect. It seems one has to do this from the map controls (in this case "U offset", and with the vrayHDR; the "horizontal rotation" spinner).
So basically what I need is to be able to rotate it in all directions.
In addition to this, a really wonderful feature would be a check box or similar in the modify panel to enable the texture map assigned to show in the view port, allowing for more intuitive feedback while rotating it to its desired orientation.
Is this wishful thinking on my part, or doable?
So basically what I need is to be able to rotate it in all directions.
In addition to this, a really wonderful feature would be a check box or similar in the modify panel to enable the texture map assigned to show in the view port, allowing for more intuitive feedback while rotating it to its desired orientation.
Is this wishful thinking on my part, or doable?