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Invisibility of an object in a Reflection/Refraction of a material

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  • Invisibility of an object in a Reflection/Refraction of a material

    I have been wise and I have made my homework, for Christmas I would want (in the OverrideMtl for example) an option to exclude one object of the reflection/refraction of this material.

    It's very useful for example if I use some self-illum plane invisible to camera to have something to reflect in the material of an object A and if I have an object B who reflect the object A but who don't need to reflect the self-illum plane.

    A good example is this video for mercedes :

    You can see in the glass of the car that we use a Self-illum plane invisible to camera to reflect something and understand the movement of the car. we wanted that the floor reflect the car but we didn't want that he reflect the Self-illum plane because that created many atefacts.

    If we had a possibility to exclude Self-illum plane of the reflection of the ground shader (but not of the shaders of the car) in one pass, that would be well.

    As Visuals said : the Raytrace material in ScanlineRenderer can already do this ("Local exclude..." button in this material)
    and I have been especially wise...

    Best regards

    Last edited by noel_d3; 31-03-2008, 06:03 PM. Reason: orthographe

  • #2
    You can do a second pass for the glass with only lights's reflection and composite ?

    Best regards...
    My Flickr


    • #3
      Hi Stilgarna,

      Thanks but we don't have time and computing power to do several pass.
      For example for Mercedes we had only 10 days with three people for render make fx and composite a 2 min video.

      This is for this reason I made this demand and write : In one pass, that would be well
      Last edited by noel_d3; 07-04-2008, 02:56 AM.


      • #4
        We have had the same problem with a spot for Lacoste. The planes of reflexion were visible in the reflexion of the ground whereas we want them only on the character.

        ... and no we don't have had time to make a pass of ground separate


        • #5
          Include/exclude object of reflexion/refraction in the material ... mmm it will be great really.
          Last edited by noel_d3; 19-02-2009, 02:40 PM.

