I'm looking for a solution to show 3D object to clients per a little viewer. I looked around at the web, but don't found a solution.
The features should be:
* showing 3D with textures
* not based on baking light textures
* support reflections per graphic card
Why did I post it here? As I have seen the 3D view of the IMviewer and I got the idea, could it be possible, that the IM is filtered and multiplied to a 3D object with textures, so that a cheap standard graphic card could show the 3D model with GI lighting?
An other question is ask me, could this technic combined with PPT? My idea is, that I open a 3D model, let PPT run, but all calculated samples are saved. If I turn the model, new samples are added, but the old one are not cleared. So, my dream, the model get the lighting information at all surface points. This light solution could be used to show the model.
Why I try to avoid baking of maps? Baking is not easy to implement at every 3D application, for example Rhino3D. Also, the calculation of the maps of a complex models isn't fast and the texture coordiantes must be set right.
In the past I have seen a Vray RT example and I was impressed, how fast the lighting was calculated, but the calculation was cleared after every little movement of the camera.
My wish is, that I could open a 3D model in a "creator modul". There I set the materials and the environment. Than the light solution is calculated. From light solution + 3D Model + textures + material informations can be saved a 3D modell, that can be shown per free "viewer modul".
Maybe it's usefull to show 3D models without mesh objects. Only color information, 3D coordinates and surface normal are used, like the IMviewer show the model - 3D space color Pixels. I'm not sure it's a good idea, maybe to much memory is needed.
My english isn't the best, but I hope, the idea is described good enough.
This tool could be an easy method for designers to show concepts. My clients ask me often, to create turntable views of objects. At the moment I create Object movies based on a few hundred images, that need much time for calculation.
I hope, there is a way, to combine the great PPT/RT technic with a viewer based on precalculated light solutions.
I'm looking for a solution to show 3D object to clients per a little viewer. I looked around at the web, but don't found a solution.
The features should be:
* showing 3D with textures
* not based on baking light textures
* support reflections per graphic card
Why did I post it here? As I have seen the 3D view of the IMviewer and I got the idea, could it be possible, that the IM is filtered and multiplied to a 3D object with textures, so that a cheap standard graphic card could show the 3D model with GI lighting?
An other question is ask me, could this technic combined with PPT? My idea is, that I open a 3D model, let PPT run, but all calculated samples are saved. If I turn the model, new samples are added, but the old one are not cleared. So, my dream, the model get the lighting information at all surface points. This light solution could be used to show the model.
Why I try to avoid baking of maps? Baking is not easy to implement at every 3D application, for example Rhino3D. Also, the calculation of the maps of a complex models isn't fast and the texture coordiantes must be set right.
In the past I have seen a Vray RT example and I was impressed, how fast the lighting was calculated, but the calculation was cleared after every little movement of the camera.
My wish is, that I could open a 3D model in a "creator modul". There I set the materials and the environment. Than the light solution is calculated. From light solution + 3D Model + textures + material informations can be saved a 3D modell, that can be shown per free "viewer modul".
Maybe it's usefull to show 3D models without mesh objects. Only color information, 3D coordinates and surface normal are used, like the IMviewer show the model - 3D space color Pixels. I'm not sure it's a good idea, maybe to much memory is needed.
My english isn't the best, but I hope, the idea is described good enough.
This tool could be an easy method for designers to show concepts. My clients ask me often, to create turntable views of objects. At the moment I create Object movies based on a few hundred images, that need much time for calculation.
I hope, there is a way, to combine the great PPT/RT technic with a viewer based on precalculated light solutions.
