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Vray License alternate

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  • Vray License alternate

    Maybe already discussed to death here, but I'd love to have an alternative
    license method for Vray. I understand the idea behind the dongle and can see benefits for some, but for me, I spent less time with the old way, had no crashes or hangs due to network/missing dongle, or WIBU issues. It (dongle)usually works fine, but the other way always worked (at least for my simple 2 machine, one license setup.) And when the dongle way screws up, it seems like I can spend a considerable amount of time problem solving it which is obviously a major problem during deadlines. My recent reason for this wishlist item was installing max 2009 x64 and experienced stupid long hangs and crashed due to license/network issues with material editor, etc. Yeas, I know some will say make sure your net is setup "correctly" but my point is that our ability to use Vray should not be limited to or hampered by our network setup, so I wish there were a choice....
    Thanks, JR

  • #2
    I know, the new dongle licensing is nowhere near as flexible as the old one, however Chaos Group have really protected their interests by going with WIBU - VRay as of SP1 and on has not been cracked, and I believe the reasoning behind sticking with WIBU is just that. Hopefully a few more things can be done to make it a bit easier on us legitimate users (like not checking for the license when updating every single swatch in the material editor) but I can't see Chaos Group doing anything that would compromise the current security they have in place - and I don't blame them.


    • #3
      We do have alternative solutions in case you have serious problems with the dongles. If this is the case, you can email us to

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        email sent 10-21-08, thanks JR

