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Alpha Passes

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  • Alpha Passes

    Select Objects, right mouse click ...

    and activate to render an Alpha for this selection

    - select again another object
    and set this selection also to be rendered in an extra alpha pass.

    make it infinitve...

    basicly, you choose an object, from which you woul dlike to have an seperated alpha image...

    the clue: once you have selected different objects and you make just one render, you get all teh different alpha images... not in one image, but for each selection one extra rendered image...

    that would rock,

  • #2
    seen multimatte element?
    basically does this...


    • #3
      I'm all for an improved multimatte element where you could drag and drop an object or material or whatever which just isolates that element and writes it to a B+W file. With this you could add the functionality you're talking about, where you right click and it adds it to the list of render elements with that object selected.


      • #4
        multimatte element ?

        Hmm, no I haven't seen the Multimatte Element ... what is it ?

        I have tested last year one script from MackeVision - which is really nice, but not that what I am looking for.

        So, maybe the mulitmatte element I haven't seen yet is exactly that I am looking for.

        Thx for the link and more infos,


        • #5
          Yes that's the same one, now incorporated directly into the vray install. It may not be as simple as you are looking for (select objects, right click, etc) but will generate an unlimited number of alpha masks for selected objects or materials. I use it all the time and since it splits it out by R,G, or B rater than just greyscale I can combine 3 mattes into one image which saves some time/files. When you open them in photoshop, etc. just be sure to not apply any color settings to them and each channel will be a pure mask, just like a regular alpha channel.
 - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


          • #6
            Although it is limited by Max's awful MatID and ObjID system. I'd much prefer something that's named like Mental Ray's extra buffer system thingo.


            • #7

              well, so far so good, the multimatte rendering is embedded now...

              but, this is not what I meant...

              I would like to select objects, and tell vray to save different alpha images for all the different objects....

              well, maybe I am wrong with the multimatte, but you can't do that with that, right ?



              • #8
                well, it does exactly that, but you're limited to 3 mattes at a time. that is red, green and blue: the multimatte element set a matte for any rgb channel (either selected by object or mat id).
                say you want a matte for two ojects in scene, the element will produce a black image with only the shapes of the selected objects (or group of objects), in, say, red and green. in any compositing app or ps you can then extract black and white mattes (alphas if you like) simply selecting the red and green channels.


                • #9
                  PSD Manager from Cebas is pretty handy for doing this with multiple objects, and it automaticaly generates a photoshop file with all of the isolated objects on their own layer for you.


                  • #10
                    Thank you...

                    Thank you for all your comments.

                    hey good to hear from you again.. well thx, so I think I wasn't wrong, I've tested the plug already earlier, but didnt' know that it's now inlcuded in the multimatte...

                    hhmm, yeah this sounsd great... I will check it out...

                    thx for all your help,


                    • #11


                      Do you know, does that CEBAS Plug also work with Vray ?
                      Or just with teh Scanline render ?

                      I couldn't read anything about that on the website.

                      Hmm, and, does it work with strip render too ?

                      Last edited by bernhard; 11-11-2008, 07:36 PM.


                      • #12

                        I use PSD manager for all masks for still images, and MultiMatte for animations.

                        With PSD manager, you have to use the adaptive subdiv AA with object outline on. But it does work with Vray.

                        You cant strip render, but I find when I do masks, even on a file thats 5000k, its rendered in 10 minutes, as you can turn off all GI and lights, you are just interested in the PSD file at the end not the rendered image.

                        Hope this helps, its a very cool plug-in, I cant do without it! Just made 30 material masks in 5 mins!


                        • #13

                          thx, yep that sounds really fantastic, thx a lot for the input, I really appreciate that.



                          • #14
                            no probs, let me know if you need any more pointers on using it with Vray.


                            • #15
                              I have very, very limited experience doing scripts but I thought I'd try something for this. I bascially scripted the MultimatteElement by changing the Gbuffer Id and name. Run the script and select the objects. Enter a prefix for the mattes and a starting number and hit go. Not extensively tested (Max 9) so you're on your own if it doesn't work. Be careful too, it will override any gbuffer id's you already have set.

                              rollout ro_Mattes "Matte Generator v.01" width:338 height:133
                                  edittext edt1 "Render Element Prefix" pos:[12,13] width:315 height:22 enabled:true
                                  button btn1 "Go!" pos:[130,88] width:77 height:30
                                  spinner spn1 "Starting G-Buffer ID     " pos:[53,48] width:160 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,100,20] type:#integer
                                  on btn1 pressed do
                                      re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()
                                      objs = selection as array
                                      count= objs.count    
                                      For i = 1 to count do
                                          re.addrenderelement (el elementname:(edt1.text + (objs[i].name as string)) R_gbufID:(i+spn1.value) R_gbufIDOn:(on) B_gbufIDOn:(off)G_gbufIDOn:(off))
                              Createdialog ro_Mattes 338 133 modal:false
                     - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.

