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VRay_ZDepth min max match clip planes?

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  • VRay_ZDepth min max match clip planes?

    It would be cool to have the zdepth min/max match the current camera's clipping planes automatically even if manual clipping planes is turned off.
    Usually that's how we measure to see where we should be setting the min and max values. This way it could be one less step.

    This also makes it easier for me because I might have 15 cameras in a scene. I don't have to fill out the min/max for the vray_zdepth element every time if this checkbox was added.

    I think you should still be able to set the numbers manually, but it would be cool to have a checkbox that would allow that as a second choice in case that's what you wanted.

  • #2
    Andrew, an easy way to do this is to set up scene states for your different cameras. It takes a little time to setup in the beginning but it pays off in the end.
    Chris Jackson


    • #3
      good idea, BUT....I usually submit renders as I get one set up as long as the renderfarm has machines open.
      We've found scene states to be rather terrible unless you don't submit renders until you are completely done.
      And look at how many materials are in your scene after you set up a bunch of scene states. That is NOT how we hoped scene states worked.


      • #4
        yeah good point.
        Ever used RPM (render pass manager)? best investment a studio can make IMHO
        Chris Jackson


        • #5
          we've talked about using that.
          Although, we are only using two plugins right now, and I'd like to keep it that way unless it's something we use Every day. We wouldn't use it on most projects, so i'd rather not.

          The availability of lots of plug-ins is both the best and worst thing about max. There's always something that can help you do your job better, but the fact that it's external, usually a small company (if not just one guy), and never seems to have quite enough support usually means it's chock full of bugs. So it's a trade-off whether to use them or not.


          • #6
            well I can only say good things about rpm. You WILL use it everyday and there is only 1 developer who is always available to help. He is almost as good as vlado! Almost.
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              I absolutely use RPManager 100% of the time, stills, animation always, keeps track of my render settings with no memory involved!
              Colin Senner


              • #8
                RPManager, although extremely useful, would confuse the hell out of a few of the people here. We wouldn't use a majority of the settings, so seeing them all like that is a bit overwhelming to some people.

                I've tried to get the workflow here as manageable as possible for those that get confused with settings. They want to know why we can't just have one standard setting and always use that. I've tried to explain but it seems useless. I've got them mostly just changing render size, LC number, IR preset quality, and global subdiv multiplier. It seems if i give them anything else to worry about they forget.
                We've tried render presets, but then they try and use render presets from past projects that don't work for the current one and they get angry. it's really annoying. So instead I tell them to move those settings mentioned before down for previewing, and up for rendering. They don't do a whole lot of animations, Luckily, but i set those up myself usually.

                Getting/trying a new plugin is also rather disruptive in a working environment. it takes a lot of time away from projects when things don't go perfectly smooth,....and they Never do.

                That's why I always request things in wishlist sections. We get by just fine now, but it'd be something that's useful if it were there. I'd love to have a bunch more plugins, but we can't justify the cost. And we actually have to put numeric values to things in order to show why we need it. Ick!


                • #9
                  LayerPassManager is a good substitute for the rather daunting RPM. Could give that a go, as it's less likely to scare your colleagues.
                  Also, Vanilla pass Manager is a simpler more user friendly one.
                  Signing out,


                  • #10
                    I also would love to see this addition for some of the exact same reasons andrewjohn81 has mentioned. Good wish


                    • #11
                      pass managers

                      sorry to get back off topic, but can either of the aforementioned managers handle the wish at hand?

