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Proxy Pivot Icon

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  • Proxy Pivot Icon


    Many times - placing a tree proxy on the ground is impossible as the lowest part of the mesh is somewhat invisible - will it be possible to mark the pivot point with an icon ( a circle or whatever)


    3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM

  • #2
    Even if we add an icon, it will follow the rules about geometry and will be hidden if the lowest part of the mesh is not visible... so I'm not sure how that would help. When manipulating objects in 3ds Max though, the transform gizmo at the pivot should be visible no matter if the mesh is obscured from view or not.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      My idea is of an non-renderable icon in the viewport.
      like the PFlow icon for example.

      This icon is part of the proxy object and could be resizable.
      You could add it as a toggle.

      Many times - when I export to mesh it moves the pivot to the center of the proxy and does not maintain my modified location.

      3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM


      • #4
        You can always show the proxy as a box, at least it is what I do when I have the same problem.

        Ciao ciao
        Marco Mosetti
        Architectural Renderings
        Cgsociety Gallery


        • #5
          Marco - this is an option but as we can suggest our wishes - and as far as I know (I did some maxscript) - it shouldn't be so much work for the chaos geniuses ...LOL

          Also - the trees are not always simmetrical so - many times - the trunk is not in the middle of the lower face of the box (if indeed using this option) and the ground - as well - isn;t always a flat one.


          3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM


          • #6
            I think the problem here is the pivot moving to the center of the proxy, you should check why does it happen to you.

            What method are you using to position the pivot? make sure you are working with the pivot point as transform center. (see attached img)

            How do you export your proxies, using the "as single file" or the "as multiple files" option? Using "as a single file" repositions the pivot to the origin of the scene, so you could put the object in 0,0,0 coords before creating the proxy this way.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Originally posted by Codi View Post
              How do you export your proxies, using the "as single file" or the "as multiple files" option? Using "as a single file" repositions the pivot to the origin of the scene, so you could put the object in 0,0,0 coords before creating the proxy this way.

              I usually use the songle file option and always put the mesh in 0,0,0 first but an icon would be a great help - also - if you move the pivot behinf a n object - it shows but once you use adummy mesh or icon - it shoul dissappear so you know exactly how the proxy is placed.

              3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM


              • #8
                I'm not sure if I understand.

                You have the pivot at the place you want it to be (you export placing the tree at 0,0,0), using pivot point as transform center you already know exactly where are you placing the tree.

                You want the pivot to be hidden behind objects?

