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Displacement fantasy wish

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  • Displacement fantasy wish

    I say fantasy because I don't know if its possible.

    What if we could use a radius based mask like vray dirt to exclude objects base on object id/material id for displacement. ie I want to displace grass but I don't want to to occur where I have concrete so I put in a mask that masks out the concrete material or lets say you have a person walking through the grass you could make the radius small and the displacement would disappear when the foot comes close so the blades aren't coming through the foot. Many things that could be done with this... but I don't know if its possible.

  • #2
    I'm thinking you could achieve this with current options. It might not be as finely tuned as what you're talking about, but it should look fairly convincing.

    If you use the VrayDirt as a mix map between the full displacement, and the lesser displacement (where the foot comes in contact with the plane), it should work properly. The drawbacks would come with the VrayDirt options. Depending on what the radius is set to, you will probably get a small area around the foot that would be affected. The other drawback is that it will produce the un-displaced grass around anything that touches it, not just the people. If VrayDirt had an exclude/include option, that would take care of it.

    You would also need to run this in the animation prepass and animation rendering modes for light calculation since the displacement will be changing.

    ...learning more every day...

