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Constant IrrMaps with "Use Camera Path" option

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  • Constant IrrMaps with "Use Camera Path" option

    It would be a huge time saver, if the Irrmap computed by multiple computers with the "Use Camera Path" option would be exactly the same. So you could simply submit your only camera moving scenes to your farm without precalculating irrmaps, because the irrmap is basically prerendered on the first frame, on every host, and is exactly the same.

    This would eliminate the need for prerendering the light completely (for non moving geometry jobs).

    From what i am seeing the irrmaps from different hosts, aren't the same and result in flickering. From my understanding of the "Use Camera Path" feature I expected them to be the same.

    I will test it further, perhaps i forgot the update to SP3a on one of my clients, but I doubt this.

    ...forget Warp 9, engine-room please switch to Vray-speed...

  • #2
    They are not quite the same even if you re-render on the same machine. Further on, with the "Use camera path" option, the irradiance map is still calculated *every* frame.

    For scenes where the camera is the only moving thing, it is still best to pre-calculate the map, save it, and then use that map to render the animation. Whether you will pre-calculate the map with the "Use camera path" option (perhaps in DR mode), or with one of the incremental modes (can also be done with DR), is a matter of choice.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by vlado; 20-04-2009, 10:38 AM.
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

