A couple things that would make my life easier. 
1) when rendering buckets, it'd be helpful if the log file indicated data similar to what backburner does.
Bucket #:452 (23,13) <-- maybe the x,y coords of the image
Assigned to/ Completed by: (or even better...or along with...the computer name)
assigned at/ completed at: 16:42:19
also maybe something like:
buckets completed: 45/922
whatever form this took, it should be something that can be parsed by a script
2) This data could then be used by scripts to do such things as:
determine incorrectly configured computers - such as missing bitmaps, wrong serice pack, memory crash, etc.
determine the current (or roughly) the current status of a backburner + dr rendered scene.

1) when rendering buckets, it'd be helpful if the log file indicated data similar to what backburner does.
Bucket #:452 (23,13) <-- maybe the x,y coords of the image
Assigned to/ Completed by: (or even better...or along with...the computer name)
assigned at/ completed at: 16:42:19
also maybe something like:
buckets completed: 45/922
whatever form this took, it should be something that can be parsed by a script
2) This data could then be used by scripts to do such things as:
determine incorrectly configured computers - such as missing bitmaps, wrong serice pack, memory crash, etc.
determine the current (or roughly) the current status of a backburner + dr rendered scene.